Style & Tone of Lewis Carroll’s

Style & Tone of Lewis Carroll’s – Anisatur Rohmah


SKU: UMP 10061 Category:

Judul : Style & Tone of Lewis Carroll’s

Kode : UMP 10061

Penulis : Anisatur Rohmah

Tahun Terbit : 2010

ISBN : 978-602-958-320-5

Tebal Buku : viii + 83

Deskripsi :

Style and Tone are the elements of fi ction. Style is said as the writer’s language to perform his or her work. The role of style in a work of fi ction is an important and complex one. Each writer has different style and tone in his or her work. Writers have the way to use language, select and arrange words to say what they want to say. On the other hand, they also have attitude toward the subject matters, characters, or audience. The style which is used in the Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass in the matter of diction is formal and it is also combined between denotation and connotation. Lewis Carroll applies lots of imagery that includes simile and personifi cation that become a part of fi gurative language.