Judul : Progressive English for Tertiary Students
Kode : UMP 11004
Penulis : Like Raskova Oktaberina
Tahun Terbit : 2011
ISBN : 978-602-958-344-1
Tebal Buku : viii + 95
Deskripsi :
Learning a language is a lifelong process. Lifelong process means that we can start anytime but we will keep continuing it until the rest of our life. The state of being continuing is precisely described as “progressive”. That is why this book is entitled as ”Progressive English” since this book will be a starting point for anyone who learns English and it is expected that they will keep going with English after that. Since this book is a starting point of learning English, the material being arranged in this book is started from the easiest to immediate level material. Hopefully, by starting with something simple, little and interesting, the readers can have a gradual step to empower themselves with English with a high motivation to keep going with their lifelong progressive learning.