Judul : A Practical Guide for Translation Skill
Kode : UMP 10054
Penulis : Langgeng Budianto & Aan E. Fardhani
Tahun Terbit : 2010
ISBN : 978-602-958-313-7
Tebal Buku : ix + 133
Deskripsi :
This book is designed to provide an opportunity for students to develop their translation skills more naturaly and communicatively. The primary diffi culty when translating a text into a second language is to produce a natural–sounding target text. Therefore, translation competence has to do with a special type of second language ability. Translators cannot be though of as perfect machines, but as individuals who have certain skills which allow them to translate from one language into another. The concept of one language may differ radically from those of another. This is because each language articulates or organizes the word differently. The bigger gap between the source language (SL) and the target language (TL), the more diffi cult the process of transfer will be. The difference between the two languages and the difference in cultures makes the process of translating a real challenge. This book successfully reconciles a theoretical outlook with the actual needs of translators and teachers.