Islamic Fundamentalism: A Sociological Study

Islamic Fundamentalism: A Sociological Study – Mokhammad Yahya


SKU: UMP 10001 Kategori:

Judul : Islamic Fundamentalism: A Sociological Study

Kode : UMP 10001

Penulis : Mokhammad Yahya

Tahun Terbit : 2010

ISBN : 978-602-958-260-4

Tebal Buku : x + 229

Deskripsi :

“Religion is often times used as a motivation for its followers to legitimize action towards the realization of individual or collective interest. This phenomenon is refl ected through the Muslim group movement or struggles. This book based on the empirical research to understand Islamic fundamentalism in its human and social context, and to explore the impact of modernization and urban life (social context) on fundamentalist thought and practice among urban Muslims. Thus, this book explores the forms of Islamic fundamentalism and the factors that shaped them in the context of historical and social evolution of the Muslim community.